The VSA vibrating table is designed for vibration compaction of specimens of asphalt concrete mixes during testing in accordance with State Standard 12801-98
“Materials Based on Organic Binders for Road and Airport Construction. Test Methods.”
The Vibrating table VSA is equipped with two types of molds: Ø71.4 mm for samples of fine-grained asphalt concrete and Ø101 mm for samples of coarse-grained asphalt concrete.
The primary components of the product are the vibration drive, receptacle, mold with stamps and weights and control panel.
The weight of the Vibrating table VSA platform is selected so that the amplitude of the vibrations specified by the state standard is ensured when using both molds, without additional adjustments.
Advantages of VIBROTECHNIK Vibrating table:
The strictly vertical linear vibrations that ensure a stable position of the weights during operation and the load on the specimen specified by the state standard;
The presence of a control panel with an integrated 3-minute timer;
The amplitude of the vibrations specified by the state standard is ensured during operation with both molds without additional adjustments;
Supply of lightweight molds;
An additional receptacle for filling the molds with mix
Support stand.
asphalt concrete and sand-gravel mixes.